Body Painting & Belly/Maternity Paintings!
Ask also about Body Painting & Belly/Maternity Paintings! Let’s Celebrate the Beauty of Mom’s Baby Bump. This is a Wonderful shower gift for Mom, A Unique Name or Gender Announcement or a quiet, Loving moment for the New Mom-to-be. We can incorporate Baby’s Name, Sports, Florals, Animals, your favorite children’s storybook. Let Chawna help you create your very own Precious Memories.
Private Parties and Company Parties
Let us make your next Celebration Memorable. Face Painting Entertainment is a UNIQUE and fascinating way to celebrate. We attend all types of events such as:
*Birthdays for all Ages, Religious Functions & Celebrations i.e. Baptismal, Bat Mitzvah, 1st Communion,
Holiday Events:
Valentine parties, Easter Egg Hunts, St Patrick’s Day, Cinco De Mayo, 4th of July, Veteran’s Celebrations, Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah
Company Events
We provide Companies something out of the ordinary. the popularity of face painting combined with your company is a win/win!
We provide services to fit your event, from fast paced designs to custom art… you are guaranteed that we will provide you with beautiful, unique art with the creativity and professionalism you expect.
Please contact us with the details of your event and we will provide you with a quote!
Grand Openings, Company picnics, HOA Community Events, Holiday Party, Conventions/Trade Shows, Fund Raisers, Premiers, Promotional, Open House